Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Positive Thinking And Its Effect On Your Health

by: Greg Riley

The first situation to consider is the relationship between thoughts and conditions like depression and stress. A crucial question is whether the person's thoughts are creating the physical depression or the physical depression is creating the negative thinking. When it comes to how you can use your mind to help, this can be accomplished consciously and subconsciously. When someone has a habit of imagining things turning out very badly, rational thinking can show show them that they often exaggerate. However, the unconscious mind is much more powerful in shaping our habitual behavior, oftentimes beyond our conscious control. Visualization and hypnosis can be very effective in modifying beliefs and, if you do this, the long-lasting effects can be more powerful than using logic only. 

It is likewise true that positive thinking can have an impact on our physical health, and you may be aware of the placebo effect on people who feel ill. This is when individuals are given a pill which in reality does not have any healing value, and yet they claim to notice an improvement in how they feel. This is evidence of the connection between mind and body, and there are many examples of men and women with a positive outlook being able to recover faster from malady and injury. You can also use the power of your mind to help you in achieving your fitness goals. A historic example of this is when the four minute barrier for running the mile was broken, which had been considered as unachievable up to that point. Once the "barrier" had been broken, other runners also began to break through what had really been a barrier of belief. 

The effects of aging are likewise influenced by how we think about the process. As you get older, do you talk to your friends about your "aches and pains" and your weakened capabilities? It seems there's a great deal of truth to the saying, "You're only as old as you think you are," and our thoughts can be used to undo a lot of the so-called effects of aging. Unfortunately, numerous individuals will continue to hold on to old beliefs about the unavoidable "decline" of health in old age, and not pay attention to the benefits of a positive outlook. 

Now that you are aware that your attitude can bring you a much better state of health, it's up to you to take advantage of this information and set your intention to think positive thoughts whenever you remember.

p/s: Thanks Grey Riley for sharing an article, sharing is caring - Zakry

Friday, November 22, 2013

Fokus, jangan buat dan fikir banyak perkara dalam satu masa!

"One reason people can't remember where their keys are is they're not paying attention when they put them down," says Mark McDaniel, Ph.D., a psychology professor and memory researcher at Washington University in St. Louis. (His suggestion for always finding them: "When you put them down, stop and say out loud, 'I'm leaving my keys on my dresser,'" or wherever you're placing them.) Studies show that it takes eight seconds to fully commit a piece of information to memory, so concentrating on the task at hand is crucial. I willed myself to stop giving everything "continuous partial attention," a term coined by tech honcho Linda Stone. I put away my gadgets when they weren't absolutely needed. I didn't have 10 websites up all at once. I called a friend, sat on my bed, closed my eyes and actually listened to what she was saying.

Memahami sisipan di atas.

Antara khasiat pisang emas

Pisang emas dibawa berlayar
Masak sebiji di atas peti, 
Hutang emas boleh dibayar, 
Hutang budi dibawa mati

Pisang emas atau nama saintifiknya, Musa acuminata Colla dikatakan mampu mengatasi mabuk laut. Orang melayu dulu telah mengkaji khasiat pisang emas sehingga dijadikan bekalan di dalam pelayaran, sebagai makanan tambahan untuk kurangkan mabuk laut dan pisang emas juga boleh disimpan lebih lama.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bakteria boleh mengitar semula DNA

Dari perspektif bakteria, persekitaran mereka adalah lombong besar yang terdiri daripada lambakan atau longgokan sisa-sisa DNA. Penyelidikan terkini mendapati, bakteria boleh memperolehi sekecil-kecil hingga sebesar-besar cebisan-cebisan DNA dari lambakan ini dan mengambilnya menjadi sebahagian daripada genom sendiri. Penemuan ini mungkin memberi kesan dan cabaran besar kepada kes-kes kerintangan ke atas antibiotik di hospital-hospital dan juga persepsi kita terhadap evolusi tentang kehidupan.

Søren Overballe-Petersen, Klaus Harms, Ludovic A. A. Orlando, J. Victor Moreno Mayar, Simon Rasmussen, Tais W. Dahl, Minik T. Rosing, Anthony M. Poole, Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten, Søren Brunak, Sabrina Inselmann, Johann de Vries, Wilfried Wackernagel, Oliver G. Pybus, Rasmus Nielsen, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Kaare Magne Nielsen, and Eske Willerslev. 
Bacterial natural transformation by highly fragmented and damaged DNA. PNAS, November 18, 2013 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1315278110

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Imbasan otak mungkin boleh ramal kelakuan jenayah

Satu kajian baru yang dijalankan oleh Rangkaian Penyelidikan Minda di Albuquerque menunjukkan bahawa neuroimaging data boleh meramalkan kemungkinan sama ada penjenayah akan mengulangi kesalahan setelah bebas dari penjara.

Kertas kajian yang akan disiarkan dalam Prosiding National Academy of Sciences, mengkaji tingkah laku impulsif dan antisosial yang berpusat pada anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), bahagian otak yang berurusan dengan mengawal tingkah laku dan impulsiviti.

Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa penghuni (penjara) dengan aktiviti cingulate anterior agak rendah adalah dua kali ganda berkemungkinan mengulangi kesalahan daripada penghuni dengan aktiviti otak tinggi di ACC.

"Penemuan ini mempunyai kesan yang amat ketara untuk masa depan, bagaimana masyarakat kita menghadapi isu keadilan pesalah dan jenayah," kata Dr Kent A. Kiehl, yang merupakan pengarang kanan pada kajian dan pengarah pengimejan mudah alih di MRN dan Profesor bersekutu Psikologi di University of New Mexico. "Bukan sahaja kajian ini memberikan kita alat untuk meramalkan dan mengenalpasti individu penjenayah yang boleh mengulangi kesalahan dan yang mana tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan, ia juga menyediakan laluan kepada penyelesaian kepada pesalah (menerusi terapi pemulihan) dengan itu mengurangkan risiko untuk melakukan jenayah.

Kajian empat tahun ini telah disokong oleh geran dari Institut Penyalahgunaan Dadah Kebangsaan (Nida), Institut Kebangsaan Kesihatan Mental (NIMH), dan dana perintis oleh D. John dan Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Law dan Neurosains Projek. Kajian ini telah dijalankan dengan kerjasama Jabatan koreksi New Mexico.


E. Aharoni, G. M. Vincent, C. L. Harenski, V. D. Calhoun, W. Sinnott-Armstrong, M. S. Gazzaniga, K. A. Kiehl. Neuroprediction of future rearrestProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013.

Emmm...teringat cerita seperti "Minority Report". Saya ada menonton cerita tersebut, agak tidak masuk akal jika diambil dalam konteks keseluruhan cerita. Mungkin ramalan boleh dibuat, tetapi hanyalah sebahagian, tidaklah 100% tepat.

Bila saya teliti jalan cerita dan visual efek dan pengambaran filem "Minority Report" terlalu banyak pula anasir-anasir "Illuminati" dan simbolisme dajjal.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Biological transistor for biocomputer

When Charles Babbage prototyped the first computing machine in the 19th century, he imagined using mechanical gears and latches to control information. ENIAC, the first modern computer developed in the 1940s, used vacuum tubes and electricity. Today, computers use transistors made from highly engineered semiconducting materials to carry out their logical operations. And now a team of Stanford University bioengineers has taken computing beyond mechanics and electronics into the living realm of biology. The team details a biological transistor made from genetic material -- DNA and RNA -- in place of gears or electrons. The team calls its biological transistor the "transcriptor."


Jerome Bonnet, Peter Yin, Monica E. Ortiz, Pakpoom Subsoontorn, and Drew Endy. Amplifying Genetic Logic GatesScience, 28 March 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

Post My Resume - Tips on Getting Your Resume Seen by Employers

by: Silas Reed

Are you worried about getting the right kind of job? There are lots of people who fail to have proper job satisfaction just because they do not get the job they would love to do. If you do not want this to be repeated to you then you need to be very careful while searching for a job.

First of all you should make a list of the criteria for the job required. After this you should prepare your resume according to that job. Different job applications usually have different kinds of criteria.

Therefore it is very important to learn how to write a resume. After you finish with the writing part you might think about how to post my resume. To post your resume online you first need to find the places where you can post it.

You might be aware of the number of job boards available on the internet these days. All these job boards have the option to help you learn how to post my resume online.

There are certain things that you need to keep in your mind before you start posting your resume on the job boards or even on the distribution services. You must always remember that the most important thing is to stay visible to the prospective employers.

You need to follow certain tips which can help you get your resume seen by the best employers present in the market these days. The first thing that you need to do is keep your resume updated every time. There are people who post their resumes and tend to forget about it.

To send my resume to the best employers I need to keep my resume updated and at the top of the website. Whenever the employer would want to search for the resumes of eligible candidates my name and resume should come up. This will surely help me get better opportunities.

Other than updating the resume the eligible candidates also need to follow certain other things. Writing the resume in the most attractive way with all the required information is one of the biggest criteria.

If you want to learn how to post my resume using the job boards and the distribution services then you first need to find them out. Choose your job board and they will tell you the method to post your resume.

When you want to know how to make my resume attractive before I post my resume, you need to learn the strategies of writing the resume. Include certain important keywords in your resume regarding your job search. These keywords will help the employers locate you and find your resume fast.

You must make sure that the employer is attracted in the first 30 seconds of your resume reading. You should not include any unnecessary information in your resume to make it a crap. Now you might have got your answer to how to post my resume so that employers always have a look at their first effort.

About The Author
To learn more about how I can post my resume online or how you can post yours, please visit and sign up today to get your resume posted instantly on over 60 job websites. Silas Reed, Writer for ResumeBoomer, writes articles that inform and teach about using your resume most effectively to help get you a great job.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mukus perut khinzir @ babi pun hendak dikomersilkan

Saintis melaporkan bahawa mukus lapisan perut khinzir, iaitu sumber yang banyak "mucins" sedang dipertimbangkan untuk kegunaan sebagai agen anti-virus di dalam formula bayi (susu tepung formula?) dan untuk kegunaan dalam kebersihan peribadi dan produk pengguna yang lain untuk melindungi terhadap pelbagai jangkitan virus.

Kajian mereka muncul dalam jurnal "Biomacromolecules". Dalam laporan itu, Katharina Ribbeck dan rakan-rakan telah membawa kepada pertimbangan mucin, komponen utama mukus, untuk digunakan sebagai agen anti-virus dalam pelbagai produk. Walau bagaimanapun, sumber-sumber sedia ada mucins, seperti susu ibu, tidak boleh memberikan kuantiti untuk menampung skala industri manakala sejumlah besar mukus wujud dalam lapisan perut khinzir.

Mereka mendapati bahawa lendir khinzir adalah berkesan menyekat pelbagai virus, dari strain influenza virus HPV manusia, yang dikaitkan dengan kanser serviks. Mereka melaporkan bahawa mucins khinzir boleh ditambah kepada ubat gigi, ubat kumur, salap luka dan pelincir kemaluan untuk melindungi terhadap jangkitan virus. "Kami membayangkan mucins gastrik babi akan menjanjikan komponen antiviral untuk aplikasi masa depan bioperubatan," kata laporan itu.


Oliver Lieleg, Corinna Lieleg, Jesse Bloom, Christopher B Buck, Katharina Ribbeck. Mucin biopolymers as broad-spectrum antiviral agentsBiomacromolecules, 2012; : 120404120302006 DOI: 10.1021/bm3001292

Hampir keseluruhan badan khinzir dikomersilkan

Saya sudah tak jumpa laman web asal yang mendedahkan ini. Ia pernah diterbitkan oleh portal web dari United Kingdom, mungkin telah dikeluarkan. Berita memaparkan hampir keseluruhan organ khinzir digunakan untuk pembuatan produk-produk umum. Laporan itu juga menyebut, hal ini akan amat merungsingkan penganut agama Islam, Yahudi dan yang berkaitan (iaitu yang mengharamkan khinzir dan produk berkaitan dengannya). Maka berhati-hatilah dalam memilih makanan.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Kepada perokok, paras rendah vitamin D undang kanser

Penyelidikan terkini yang diterbitkan di dalam jurnal "Clinical Chemistry" menunjukkan bahawa penurunan tahap vitamin D boleh mendorong perokok untuk mengidap kanser yang berkaitan dengan tembakau. Di Amerika Syarikat sahaja, dalam setahun, jumlah kematian disebabkan merokok lebih tinggi berbanding HIV, dadah, alkohol, kecederaan kenderaan bermotor, bunuh diri, dan pembunuhan. Ia adalah faktor utama penyebab untuk sekurang-kurangnya 30% daripada semua kematian akibat kanser, dan boleh membawa kepada pelbagai jenis kanser, termasuk pundi kencing, serviks, kepala esophageal, dan leher, buah pinggang, hati, paru-paru, pankreas, dan perut, serta leukemia mieloid. Menurut Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit Amerika Syarikat, perbelanjaan penjagaan kesihatan dan kerugian produktiviti disebabkan merokok adalah kira-kira $ 193 bilion setahun.

Menurut kajian Afzal et al. (2013), tahap plasma vitamin D yang diukur  dalam sampel darah yang diperolehi dalam tahun 1981-1983 daripada 10,000 Danes daripada penduduk umum. Keputusan ini menunjukkan buat pertama kalinya bahawa risiko kanser berkaitan tembakau dikaitkan dengan kepekatan vitamin D yang lebih rendah. Data juga menunjukkan bahawa bahan kimia asap tembakau boleh mempengaruhi metabolisme vitamin D dan fungsinya, manakala vitamin D sebaliknya boleh mengubahsuai kekarsinogenan kimia asap tembakau. Jika penyelidikan lanjut mengesahkan ini, ia akan menjadi konsisten dengan kajian sebelum ini menunjukkan kesan anti-tumorigenic vitamin D derivatif, serta korelasi kekurangan vitamin D dengan keadaan menggalakkan pembentukan kanser dan meningkat kecenderungan asap tembakau karsinogen. Menariknya, tahap vitamin D rendah  tidak berkaitan dengan risiko jenis kanser yang lain.

"Analisis kami menunjukkan bahawa perkaitan antara kepekatan plasma vitamin D yang lebih rendah dan risiko yang lebih tinggi kanser mungkin didorong oleh kanser berkaitan tembakau yang belum pernah dilaporkan sebelum ini," kata penulis Borge G. Nordestgaard, MD, DMSc, dalam kajian ini. "Ini adalah penting untuk kajian pada masa depan untuk menyiasat kaitan antara plasma vitamin D dan risiko kanser."


S. Afzal, S.E. Bojesen, B.G. Nordestgaard. Low Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Risk of Tobacco-Related CancerClinical Chemistry, 2013; DOI:10.1373/clinchem.2012.201939

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Minum kopi dan teh setiap hari kurangkan risiko strok, insyaAllah

Berita baik untuk peminat kopi dan teh hijau, satu kajian penyelidik di Jepun menunjukkan bahawa orang yang minum kedua-dua minuman setiap hari mempunyai risiko yang lebih rendah mendapat serangan strok berbanding mereka yang minum hanya salah satu jenis sahaja (atau tidak minum langsung).

Penyelidik telah bertahun-tahun menjalankan sifat antioksidan teh hijau, dan kajian baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahawa meminum kopi setiap hari meningkatkan tahap tenaga anda. Tetapi mengambil dua minuman bersama (kopi dan teh) (bukan dalam cawan yang sama), boleh membantu anda mendapat manfaat kesihatan dari kedua-duanya.

Menurut riwayat, minum kopi memang menjadi amalan para ulama zaman dahulu. Tujuan mereka supaya mudah untuk mereka berjaga waktu malam bertahajud.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

US Biotech Industry to be Worth US$ 95 Billion by 2013

by: Shushmul Maheshwari

make money with your web site

According to our new research report �US Biotech Market Analysis�, the US biotechnology industry has been growing at the fast pace for the past few years as the market has witnessed positive developments in terms of research & development, government regulations, and new avenues. In 2009, total revenue from biotech industry in the US reached to the mark of US$ 72 Billion backed by factors like, significant public & private investments, wide use of innovative technologies, and the government support. During 2009-2013, the industry is expected to grow at the CAGR of 7% to reach around US$ 95 Billion at the end of 2013.

Our report has found that Bio-agriculture segment is the fastest growing sector in the US biotech industry. The US ranks first in terms of total biotech crops area with 64 Million Hectares of land in 2009. A strict regulation by the FDA and the USDA ensures effective utilization of resources available for biotech crops production. Moreover, private players are active in this segment as they have been frequently launching new products and making huge investments for research & development.

The report �US Biotech Market Analysis� analyzes overall biotech industry in the US and provides information on recent market trends and developments. Every important segment and aspect related to the industry have been covered and analyzed. The report illustrates these segments in an effective manner and provides reliable data regarding key areas. Sectors such as, Bio Services, Bio Agriculture, Bioscience etc. have been described taking into account regulatory measures, market trends, and private participation.

The report provides comprehensive information, prudent analysis, and reliable statistics of the biotech market in the US. An in-depth analysis of important topics such as, biotech funding, clinical trials, and the government initiatives has also been covered in the report. Moreover, the future projection in key areas makes use of effective methods and techniques that present forecasting in a realistic manner. Additionally, SWOT analysis, and recent developments of key market players have been provided in the report.

For FREE SAMPLE of this report visit:

About The Author
About RNCOS:

RNCOS specializes in Industry intelligence and creative solutions for contemporary business segments. Our professionals study and analyze the industry and its various components, with comprehensive study of the changing market behavior. Our accuracy and data precision proves beneficial in terms of pricing and time management that assist the consultants in meeting their objectives in a cost-effective and timely manner.